When: 17 March 2018
10 am —3 pm
Where: Creators Artspace,
Gateway Village, Lincoln Causeway, Wodonga
Cost: $100 Creators Artspace members
$125 non members
This cost includes a materials pack at cost ($25) which includes 2 sheets of rag paper (torn to size), 2 sheets ho sho paper, tracing paper, cartridge, inks, and acetate plates.
For more information or to book online: www.trybooking.com/UJBS
Joan is an accomplished printmaker and artist whose work can at times cross the border between painting and printmaking, creating bold and distinctive images. Further work and bio can be found at : www.joanmullarvey.com
In this workshop we will print drawn or painted images on to paper The object is to enjoy the creative process and grasp a basic understanding of different mono printing techniques and materials…to have fun experi-menting with the many possibilities and outcomes. Mono printing will open you up to other possibilities such as collage, hand painted additions, mixed media or inspire you to explore other areas of printmaking.
At the end of day we will aim to have 5 samplers and 4 completed mono prints to take home.