Melissa Johns – Illustrating with Recyclables

Saturday 1 May  10am – 3.30pm

Full Workshop Fee and Material Fee $80/$65 Health Care Card


 Create a fabulous collage using recycled materials and paper inspired by words of your choice. These words could be from music, poetry, journals or any literature which spark your imagination.

Artist Bio

Melissa Johns is an artist and illustrator from Northeast Victoria who applies her art creatively utilising recycled teabags and other upcycled wonders.

She has featured in literary magazines, delivered creative workshops, won several Victorian awards, and illustrated two international children’s books, ‘Tabitha and the Raincloud’ and ‘Growing Pains’, both books published by Exisle Publishing.

Melissa hopes to raise further environmental awareness through her art, and for her distinctive style to capture the imaginations of art lovers and children alike.

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