Saturday 4 May 10am – 3.30pm
$75 / $60 concession (includes materials)
Ever wanted to try painting a self-portrait/portrait in oils? Now is your chance to develop your skills exploring skin tone, colour schemes, facial structures, blending, scumbling and developing tones to complete a realistic portrait with cultural overtones.
Tutor will supply: AS Odorless Solvent, AS hand & brush cleaner, vegetable oil, paper towel, wet wipes, spare oil paints, brushes, plastic containers & disposable palettes etc. An A3 size piece of Strawboard will be provided and the cost for this is included in the workshop fee.
Participants to bring: Assorted Artists oil paint – white, naples yellow, yellow ochre, flesh tint, spectrum red, crimson, spectrum cerulean, french ultramarine, phthalo blue, sap green, burnt umber, Brushes – round small silver Size 00, 1 &2, flat Size 1,2,4,8. Sketchbook, HB pencils, eraser, palette, newspaper, rags. Photos – A4 size COLOR self portrait front on (several different ones); researched images of symbols, motifs of cultural heritage.
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Artist Bio
Janet Leith is an experienced art educator and local artist with a professional background in visual arts of over 30 years. She has previously presented workshops at annual AEV conferences, organised a variety of overseas adult and school art experiences and worked with major artists overseas including Zandra Rhodes, Robert Maclean & Jesus Vilallonga. Janet continues to split her time between her studio practice @ The Blue Studio and her teaching. Working predominately in oil, Janet’s current work focuses on developing her realistic figures in everyday activities within a color background of expressive intent.