Sunday 2 May 10am – 3.30pm
Full Workshop Fee and Material Fee $85/$70 Health Care Card
Participants will be guided through drawing and painting techniques as they capture a portrait likeness using a model. Tone, light and use of colour will be explored as oil paint is mixed, layered and developed to bring your work to life.
Participants are asked to supply:
2 x canvas paper/ canvas with painted with red brown ground (oil paint slightly thinned with pure gum turpentine/medium mix).
Assorted Artists oil paint – white, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, flesh tint, spectrum red, crimson, spectrum cerulean, french ultramarine, Phthalo blue, sap green, burnt umber and any other colours of choice.
Brushes – round small silver Size 00, 1 &2, flat Size 1,2,4,8.
Medium no.2, Palette, Sketchbook, progresso pencils, palette, newspaper, rags.
Artist Bio
Janet Leith is an experienced art educator and local artist with a professional background in visual arts of over 30 years. She has previously presented workshops at Art conferences, organised a variety of overseas adult and VCE art experiences and worked with major artists overseas including Zandra Rhodes, Robert Maclean & Jesus Vilallonga. Janet continues to split her time between her studio practice @ The Blue Studio and her teaching. She works predominately with oils on canvas and linen, developing semi abstract expressive landscapes overlaid with images of figures.