Inga Hanover Drawn Dioramas


Saturday 4 May   10am – 3.30pm
$75 / $60 concession (includes materials)

In this exciting workshop you will create a magical tiny diorama using paint, collage and folded papers to decorate a small box. Let Inga fire your imagination.

Participants are asked to bring: Pencils, erasers, rulers; Own drawing and/or painting mediums; stencil cutting knives; collage materials, own drawings, magazines; small pre-made boxes such a match stick, individual soap, small chocolate boxes; cutting mats and PVA glue.

Tutor will supply:card stock – cost of the card is included in the workshop fee.


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Artist Bio

Inga is a local North Eastern Victorian artist who continues a daily drawing practice that is now into a second decade. Currently these drawings are in response to Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. There has been a constant thread of ‘home’ in her print, artist book, textile and installation artworks, that reminisce on childhood, and a ‘longing for home’. 

She has exhibited extensively in the North East area, has participated in national Juried Award drawing and print prizes, with works in both public and private collections.